Thursday, 26 March 2009

the little things

nothing in particular sbenarnyer..
jst something i came across with when i was at a Gaza talk organised by nottingham stop war.
actually i was kinda sleepy during the talk coz i ws quite exhausted..yela jst got bck frm Prague then membaking-baking tart 4 cardiff games so the talk pn became so-so jugakla..
but wut fascinates me was the fact tht all sorts of ppl came for the talk. yes all sorts. muslim, of course. n the non-muslims, from old grandma to children. from weird-looking chaps to the hey-im-cool youths. seriously i think it's amazing. we might bump into these kind of ppl who look rather 'weird' or 'scary' to be near with on the street. but hey these ppl might also be the one who have something in common with u..they also CARE. we tend to judge ppl by their looks. but deep in their heart, we dnt know a thing! they cud be much better than those who look proper on the outside but actually ignorance in the inside.
n i cn even hear the granma behind me struggling to breathe properly! n she still come..if we were at tht age, will we still CARE as much as she does??

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