Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Manusia mudah lupa..

Forgive me Allah The Almighty 

There is no other God but You alone. He is the Living God, Almighty and I turn(repent) to Thee O God.

Glory to Allah. No creature is able to overcome His kudrah(power), He is Allah who rule the throne alone. He rules the Throne and the heaven with ease for the sake of His glory, all the faces who bow and bow to him .

God is enough for me the most greatest. thers nothing in my heart except Allah. Nur Muhammad sallallah
There is nothing else other than what Allah has revealed. 

There is no God but Allah. The king of the king. The Haq (the truth of reality) eternaly. Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, true and trusted the promises 

Forgive me Allah. Please accept our repentance. 

We repent to you Allah. We come back to you Allah. We regret for what we have done.