Tuesday, 25 March 2008

heart opener..

we often heard about eyes opener..i've experienced that many times already. but the talk just now by Dr Amal ( a doctor n prof at CUCM) was really a heart opener. basically his talk was about IMAM and how us med student can contribute to community ever since we're a student. i've heard that kind of talk by Prof Latiff before and yes i was moved as well but maybe as i said earlier, it was an eye opener for me and just yet to be a heart opener.so when i went back home right after the talk, i quickly took out a scrap paper and a pen and began to write my life plan. i had it vaguely in mind before and did plan to write one down but never did so till just now at the age of 20!

here goes my life plan:

20 - enter medical school oversea--->Nottingham Uni (marked as done)
24 - graduate with first class honor degree
25 - marry ( i put question marks in bracket)
25+26 - housemanship in selayang hospital (coz i've always wanted to do my houseman here with no specific reason other than it's near my house :p)
before 30 - one or two kids
30 ++ - registrar
by 40 - full specialist ----->chest and respiratory or any other(yet to think about)

AIM - redha and syurga Allah
HOW? - through nikmat Allah that i've got eg medical knowledge specialty

this life plan is my dream and not even half way done...i've entered the the treshold of this real dream so i'll work hard to realise the dream and shall welcome my self to the future..


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://impressora-multifuncional.blogspot.com. A hug.

Aimi Nas said...

haha =p

fiqah said...

alamakk malunyer!haha..xpe xde org laen tau pwn :p