Yes it took me for a while b4 i cn write bout my aussie vacation..was waiting for the pics actually :) now dat ive got so hepi!!hehe :p
me and my 8 other frens went to aussie for our "summer holiday" but it was winter in oz though. Temeng as Bapak, Bil as Bapak's gay partner so practically he's the uncle, Wani as our Org Gaji, and us - me, intan, nisya, ummi, nina, and aimi as the anak-anak :p This is the most dramatic vacation i ever had so far..hehe
Stayed in Msia Hall for 3 days then in Pau's flat for 1 nite..Nothing much in Melb really, it's quite a vibrant city,no prob finding nice halal restaurant at's all price that matters :p We dined at Msia restaurant 2 times ( Lazzat Rest.), then Indonesian n Italian. Went to Phillip Island on the first day, a very suitable place for a nature lover..we gotta also see a penguin parade!sgt cute!!On the 2nd day, we planned to go to Yarra Valley, it's one of the tourist attractions in Melb..but unfortunately, we got lost!n it was raining!Wut's more to getting stuck in d middle of nowhere, we happened to have a such expensive fish n chips!Not a g'day mate :( Then we jst spent the remaining days wandering around the city..n shopping in Queens Victoria market.
Frm left: wani,temeng, nisya, bil, me, Intan n umi NewcastleWe just stayed over at our KMB frens' place. It's not so big of a city..a very quiet n tranquil place to live in. We spent a day at the beach..very nice!love it!(Strolling along the beach has always been my fav romantic thing to do..^^)We also went for was sooo much fun!!was my first time being in a desert..a chilly desert plak tu..marvelous xperience! :p
Sand-surfing rawks! SidneyAgain, we stayed at Msia thing coz it's cheap!(only 4$ p/nite)n comfortable too! here we had Aiman (Wani's fren in Beseri) as our tour guide..n since he has slr cam, so merangkap our photographer jgak laa :p I LOVE SIDNEY!the nyte view was charmingly captivating!esp around the harbour..sgt romantic laa senang citer..^^ (No wonder it's called Darling Harbour i suppose..)Actually jst buildings with lampu2 colourful plus a river with kapal2 n all..but yes i luv buildings with colourful lighting so wut to do..hehe The other interesting part we did in Sidney was dining!We intentionally put aside the scary thoughts of its dat's the only way we cn njoy dining lavish food at a cozy place...We had an xtravagant choc dish at Max Brener choc bar..n some fancy pancakes at The Rocks pancakes..n an extremely mouth-watering fresh seafood at Fish Market..also not 2 forget the tasty Thai dish.. luving 'em all!
Ok enuf bout eating, speaking of wut we do in Sidney pulak..we went to the Aquarium.
Im not so into animal..but it was enjoyable still..we also went to Chinese Garden where we had the chance to wear Chinese costume in the time of Dinasty ruling. i love it!!Of course we went to the Opera house..isn't dat a must?:p We also went cruising around the harbor..luvly!We also went to Blue Mountain..a panoramic view Subhanallah..apart frm dat, we only walk around the city n do some shopping at Paddys.
Everybody luves goldcoast for sure!The 1st nyte we stayed in YHA at Coolangata..a rather secluded area i wud say..:p dat's coz we wanted to go to Kurumbin Wildlife which was nearby. After day we stayed in YHA at Surfers Paradise. The Wildlife was great eventhough i dnt fancy animal..seeing kangaroo n koala was my only aim actually :p We also went through the obstacle course wasnt even in the plan..very impulsive!It was challenging, fun n nerve-wracking!i even got into accident with Aimi!isk3..sob3..In surfers paradise, we went for a flying coaster in Adrenaline Park.I sure had an adrenaline rush there!great xperience..once in a lifetime for sure!hehe..Then we went to Dreamworld..a theme park basically.soo much fun!the rides are soo cool!best2!!We bumped into AC Mizal, n the 3 AF winners : Riz, Nubhan n Stacy when we're walking around the city at nyte. Goldcoast is really3 a perfect holiday destination esp to those who love beaches:)BrisbaneThis is our last destination in oz..nothing much to be done here actually but it's quite a big city..we just wandering aroudn d city, n hang-out at the man-made beach..
A video of our flying coaster..