After ages of procrastination,I finally got the chance to go n see ENT doc..So just now i went to Dato Harnam ENT Hospital at jalan Ipoh near Pusrawi..Consultation macam biasa laa, he asked n i answered..i told him my biggest concern is the congestion, and that i dnt think it's due to me allergic to pollen(sbb i still hav probs bile bukan pollination season pun)..and bla..bla..bla Here's the treatment plan dat he prepared for me:
1.X-ray2.Allergy test
4.Immunisation (He said diz is rather unnecessary n expensive)
5.Surgery (Last resort-removing the inferior turbinate)

As shown above, the inferior turbinate is rather swollen..normal one shud be seen as black shadows meaning it's clear. im quite lucky die x spread so much to maxillary sinus..n nothing kat eyes n ears..The allergy test result will be out in one week time.And ubat2 nyer, i got an anti-histamine nasal spray with nil side effects (yeay!)..and other 2 tablets i cnt bring myself 2 remember it's weird name.Now about the price..isyh3 mahal nk mamfusss!allergy test oredi cost like RM395(padahal lab die sniri!)..consultation fee RM60 (wut daa??)n medicine i 4got how much but the total if im not mistaken is around RM500++...
Reminder 4 myself: Nnti jadi doctor jgn laa letak harga mahal2 sgt yer..sian kat org2 x mampu..esp consultation fee..gune air liur n a bit of knowledge je pun..hehehe
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