Well, I suddenly felt like trying to do yoga, so i joined my 2 othr frens to yoga class hosted by Q-Active for an hour. Of course i was excited at first! But after the class ended..one thing im so sure about was, Yoga wasn't my thing. It was the slowest exercise ive ever done. No sweating wutsoever. Of course, it tested the flexibility of our vertebrae as well as the stretching degree of our muscle fibers..n i also luv the part when it demands our full concentration on our current being. Sort of freeing our mind frm anything else.Nice. But i jst don't hav the patience to bear all super-slow movements.
The instructor kept saying frm time to time...move slowly, without slackening..i did it. But i didn't get the refreshing feeling frm it which is wut i seek in every exercise i do. Of course full cardiac workout like aerobics or any othr sports are tiring. But they're all refreshing. Well, each human is different. As of for me, i prefer something that requires agility, alertness and quick movements. Also not to forget, fun!

Yoga poses or asanas stress on breathing techniques as well. To begin with, we were first asked to relate the root of breathing with it's depth(deep or shallow) n pattern(fast or slow). So to relax and concentrate, we're asked to breathe from the centre of abdominal area i.e belly button/umnbilical in an anatomical supine position i.e lying down flat facing up.
Then we slowly moved from one asana to another. The few asanas we managed to complete yesterday includes:
1.Adho Mukha Svanasana--> Downward facing dog which involve standing, mild flexion of the trunk with bums up and the palm pressing the earth.
2.Ustrasana--> Camel pose which is beckbend.
3.Ardha Chandrasana-->Half moon pose involving standing and balancing.
4.Urdhva Hastasana--> Raised hands while standing pose.
5.Uttasana-->Standing forward bend to stretch and lengthen the hamstrings.
6.Virabhadrasana 1-->It's called a warrior 1 pose, i have no idea why. Basically bending our right knee over the ankle forming right angle, bringing arms up then slightly backbend.
Those are not all, there's a lot more but cudn't bring my self to look 'em all up.
For those who enjoyed Yoga, i respect u!(^_^)
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