lagi about my cambodia relief mission 09. jst some pics utk sum up our activities there.
1. Had a meeting with IMAC ppl..i salute org2 besar sana yg sanggup turun pandang n aktif with this kind of program mcm their under secretary of state (eg mamanda menteri :p) n even the secretary of state.. they do mobile clinics almost every week k!n we're really grateful for their first class hospitality..kitorg je yg berlemak :p n wut's more interesting, they cn join imac no matter course ape pn diorg amek kt long as they're a muslim student. bayangkn, on weekdays, they study engineering, agriculture or wutever n in the weekend, they perform circumcision n do dispensary!
2. We got to also visit an orphanage centre tht's fully funded by UAE. We had lunch there, played some games with the children and also did a dental care demonstration. First time buat activity guna translator..susah jugak rupenya..n coz of the language barrier, we didn't get to interact tht much with the kids. Even so, hand signals mmg sgtlah membantu cam "piece", "good", "yay*clap clap*" etc
colouring contest
3. apart frm the above 2, of coz keje kitorg melancong la kt phnom penh tu.. jalan2..mkn2..hehe
naek tuktuk! =p
cruising kat sg mekong =)
a short yet insightful session with Mufti Cambodia
melawat penjara regim Polpot
not to forget, buying medicines at the Olympic market be continued
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