- Genre: Drama, Medical
- Film Date: July, 2008
- Total Videos: 11
- Japan Casts:
Aragaki Yui, Asari Yosuke, Higa Manami , Hiwatashi Shinji, Katsumura Masanobu, Kodama Kiyoshi , Ryo, Sugimoto Tetta, Terajima Susumu, Toda Erika, Yamashita Tomohisa, Yanagiba Toshiro, Zeny Kwok - Description:
The drama's full title is "Code Blue: Doctor Heli Kinkyu Kyumei." The concept is based on Japan's proposal for an emergency medical service using helicopters to quickly reach those in need. A special bill was passed in June 2007 that should foster widespread adoption of the system. Yamashita stars as a young doctor-in-training, working under the guidance of an experienced "flight doctor" (Toshiro Yanagiba). Some scenes will be filmed with a real helicopter, adding to the show's tension.

aku tgk busan je cte nih (kalo banding ngan drama laen la) hehe..
ko x menghayati btul2 tu...hehe tp of coz team medical dragon still no 1..(^_^)
Interesting to know.
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