but for some of us, we're happily struggling making our way to skul in the midst of the strong wind n heavy snow. enjoy playing snowball, making snowman..playing sledge etc.
anyhow, lucky us we have heaters to keep us warm in our home..and we have the super comfy duvets to sandwich or sushi our selves at nyte..if it's in Gaza...hurmmm..

best gle duk rumah mcm tu.cant wait to pay u a visit!;p
haaa ape lagi...cepat la dtg!^^
oh, best nye main snow..aku mls nk kuar umah..snow agak tebal gak. nk pegi kelas pun habis basah kasut aku tenggelam dlm snow..huhu
mne bleh mls2..bkn selalu nie..kau pkai r boot phua chu kang gi klass..:p
gile r..byknye snow kt notts
waaa kt umah ko byknye snow..aku kalo nk dpt snow cmni kene gi tmpt lain..tmpt men snowboard ri tu..
tp..x penat ke thn sejukk..aku penat doww thn sejukk..
sehari je die tebal cmtu...pastu arini dah kurg sket dah..nk wrap up menahan sjuk mmg sentiase letih kann..tp seb baek klas aku jln kaki 5 minit je so x de la kena rse sjuk lelame sgt..hehee
syurahbil...beli kasu baru la...hehe
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