The "live from GAZA" event just now was splendid and totally unforgettable! Around 300 sisters came..and approx GBP 11,000 was raised on that day alone. Not only we're enlightened by powerful talks from the speakers, but we got to also know lots of new faces. Must say I really enjoyed it.
The event was for female only. Purpose being i suppose was to show how crucial women's role is in giving full support to the resistant. (dat's wut i understnd frm wut Sister Ageel said laa..[pardon me if i got her name wrong]) Cam lagu tu, tgn wanita yg menghayun buaian mampu menggoncang dunia..chewahhh..heh Owh n the event got a live coverage frm Al-Hiwar TV,a station viewed by most of the ppl in Palestine. And u knw wut, the CEO is Dr Azzam Tamimi!=p i jst knew it bebrape minggu yg lalu so dat's y a bit surprised n xcited with no particular reason.
The event was for female only. Purpose being i suppose was to show how crucial women's role is in giving full support to the resistant. (dat's wut i understnd frm wut Sister Ageel said laa..[pardon me if i got her name wrong]) Cam lagu tu, tgn wanita yg menghayun buaian mampu menggoncang dunia..chewahhh..heh Owh n the event got a live coverage frm Al-Hiwar TV,a station viewed by most of the ppl in Palestine. And u knw wut, the CEO is Dr Azzam Tamimi!=p i jst knew it bebrape minggu yg lalu so dat's y a bit surprised n xcited with no particular reason.
Us counting the money collected
Talks were given by the very well-known speakers in this whole Palestine issues like;
1. Yvonne Ridley - I have always admire her, well at least eversince i knew her frm watching pressTV and that she reverted into Islam soon after she was caught by Ta*lib*an. Her spirit, her will, her words, her courage..Whenever she speaks, it's inspiring, n very influential. We dnt have such influential journalist in msia do we?
1. Yvonne Ridley - I have always admire her, well at least eversince i knew her frm watching pressTV and that she reverted into Islam soon after she was caught by Ta*lib*an. Her spirit, her will, her words, her courage..Whenever she speaks, it's inspiring, n very influential. We dnt have such influential journalist in msia do we?
2. Dr Jenny Tonge - She's frm House of Lords. Stressing more on the political ways of tackling the issue.
3. Ghada Ageel - She's a Palestinian. Ive listened to her talk b4 during the Palestine Conference not so long ago, but her stories jst now were much2 more touched the hearts of hundreds of us. And im quite sure most of the audiences cudn't contain their tears anymore when her voice cracked while telling bout how the ppl frm her village back in Khan Younis in Gaza lost their family members with no mercy to the war criminals we-all-knw-who.
4. Sister Rajnaara - A PHD student, also an activist in human rights. Cudnt really listen to her full talk coz needed to prepare packing the foods.
3. Ghada Ageel - She's a Palestinian. Ive listened to her talk b4 during the Palestine Conference not so long ago, but her stories jst now were much2 more touched the hearts of hundreds of us. And im quite sure most of the audiences cudn't contain their tears anymore when her voice cracked while telling bout how the ppl frm her village back in Khan Younis in Gaza lost their family members with no mercy to the war criminals we-all-knw-who.
4. Sister Rajnaara - A PHD student, also an activist in human rights. Cudnt really listen to her full talk coz needed to prepare packing the foods.

We also had a live phone call interview with a sister in Gaza. One of the things i remembered she said is something like, "Bout the electricity and heat, we can adapt on that but wut's more important is the seige, the blockade that need to be lifted...yada..yada" In my head i was thinking if it's us, can WE adapt living in darkness n cold?? Wut's
more fascinating bout her is, despite of all the sufferings they've been experiencing frm long ago in Gaza n with 3 kids around..she hold a BA in Econs n currently doing her MA in Accounting..
There're also bazaar selling foods, books, jeweleries and clothings. Gosh we went crazy seeing the scarves. Feel like buying dozens but thinking that "kita x boleh berlebih-lebihan even though it's for a gud cause" kann..lainla kalao kaya raya..heh

There're also bazaar selling foods, books, jeweleries and clothings. Gosh we went crazy seeing the scarves. Feel like buying dozens but thinking that "kita x boleh berlebih-lebihan even though it's for a gud cause" kann..lainla kalao kaya raya..heh
wah u got a pic with yvonne? jeles jeles
sian die tgh bz2 kitorg kacao ajak bergamba lak..hehehee
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