Monday, 21 October 2013

it's been a while..

i can finally write something here again! i thought i have lost my blog to some viruses coz i'v tried writing last month or something but it just wouldn't publish. Was feeling wuite down with the thought of losing this blog since i've had it since 2007!

anyhow, i am now halfway into my 3rd posting which is Obs & Gynae. Alhamdulillah. O&G is alright, good mxiture of ward work and surgical. But i dnt think it's my cup of tea. the enironment is not so favourable. can definitely feel the tensions during emergencies. all labours are like medical-emergency-going-to-happen kinda thing. and the blame game at the morning just awful. nevertheless, i learn stuff, i really do. but the learning curve is not that steep. maybe because i dont put lots of effort into it like how i should.

here's few fascinating stuffs i encountered during this 2 1/2 months.
                                                               very bad decelerations
                              An even worse - sinusoidal pattern of CTG (found out mom had an abruptio)
                                                        Ruptured tubal pregnancy at 13 weeks

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