Wut's there with candy floss???it'll only giv us cavity! we Malaysian got our very own special meat floss!but not so gud 4 those with high blood pressure n heart probs..hehe
Serunding daging has always been my favorite dish 4 buka puasa n raya..the dining table'll look "empty" without it..hehe So this time, my mom has decided to make our own homemade serunding..I said to myself "Why trouble?Jln TAR bersepah..cn jst buy loh,easy!"That was jst becoz im a lazy bumpy u see :p But my mom insisted n i was like..ok2 fine, it'll be fun though..hehe Here's the super-duper easy recipe:
Serunding daging has always been my favorite dish 4 buka puasa n raya..the dining table'll look "empty" without it..hehe So this time, my mom has decided to make our own homemade serunding..I said to myself "Why trouble?Jln TAR bersepah..cn jst buy loh,easy!"That was jst becoz im a lazy bumpy u see :p But my mom insisted n i was like..ok2 fine, it'll be fun though..hehe Here's the super-duper easy recipe:
2.5kg of beef (cut into small pieces)
2kg shallots (cut into thin slices)
coconut milk (about 3 biji kelapa)
chillies (blended)
salt to taste
Err..not to forget, u also need 2 prepare urself a taste of endurance n patience(^_^)
1)Boil the meat until tender. Recommended duration is about 5hrs.
2) Shred the meat into fine thin slices and set aside. NB:If u unfeignedly shred them with ur fingers like i did, with that amount of meat..it''ll probably take 3 weeks. Wut my dad did was smash/knock/whack the meat using this hammer-like kind of thing til it's flat n it'll be much3 easier to shred.
4) Bring it to boil and then add in the shredded meat and some salt to taste.
5) Leave it boils until dry. NB: Stir the mixture well every now and then. ( Esp at the base of the wok so it won't stick or get burnt)
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