In 3 weeks time, i'll be going back 2 notts...erghh!n now, im bored! got nothing in particular to write really..enjoying berpuasa in here, at home..n kegiatan paling x berfaedah in Ramadhan is doingg nothing which is wut im literally doing now..actually i got stuff to see through like sponsor 4 notts game etc...but still,boringg loh..nk keluar mls sungguh maka terdampar lah sy di rumah ini..well at least im enjoying my own company in my very own precious room b4 i fly off back 2 uk..kan3?!
the first day of puasa, i buke puasa in selayang..with the whole relatives present. very meriah, i like it very much.since it's the first yr of celebrating eid without my grandma, they plan 2 have it there and masak lemang together2 on the raya eve!how great!unfortunately, i'll be celebrating my 2nd eid in sad!even thinking bout it makes me wanna throw a fit!da naseb badan...isk3..sob3

ko balek UK bape hb wey? haha, cam lebey kurang time aku je. best hah, pose? wahahaha
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