Notts Game is a phenomenon in UK&Eire..no joke, it's not a mere sporting event where u win, other ppl lose and the other got injured. Last year i participated as a netball player, and this year i was in the organizing committee. So what's happening throughout the show and what's behind the scene, i witnessed them all. (Well not all but most of them laa)And im loving it!
We've started NMG preparation since May in Msia. That was when we struggled seeking 4 sponsorship, printing volunteers shirt, medal, banners etc. Frankly speaking, i didnt feel the heat of NMG just yet. It just felt like organizing another get together event.That's it. Then school started. We continued the preparation, even more vigorously nearer to the date. The nite b4, i slept at 3ish. Some slept at 4ish doing sepanduk etc! Then the D-day arrived, it was the show time! I didn't hear my alarm clock beeping, and woke up 550ish in the morning! hahaha..!Alhamdulillah it went well with no major complaint or unpleasant situation..wut's more, ppl are very satisfied with it and enjoyed the day!Alhamdulillah sangat2..Then it ended gloriously with the dinner with Deputy of High Commissioner, MSD officers, players, volunteers and the coms. Then i was like, "Is that it?Well, need to get my daily life in place back then"
For this year's NMG, the whole Portland Building was my 'baby'. Yes it was indeed. I was in charged for every single thing in Portland. If it's a mess then im all screwed up. if it's collapsed due to overcrowded then i'll be dead first. hahaha..There's quite a no. of probs in realizing the Msian Food Fest this year, but Alhamdulillah with the supportive coms and co-operative food stalls operators, we managed to overcome it all. For the helping hands from MSD, thanks so much!!And i'm also so thankful everything went smoothly the other day. A MILLION THANKS TO ALL VOLUNTEERS(without u guys, there's no way this event cud be a huge success)AND POSTGRADS!! Also Kevin the Porter, and Mark the Chef. They're very helpful n nice!!And the Runners, we've troubled u guys so much on that day..sori n thank you!!Not to forget, the crowd for making the event merrier!I was so surprised to see Msian queuing to buy Nasi Lemak, drinks frm NMS stall etc!!i really didn't expect this but hey look, we're goooood!! There surely be a few things i missed or overlooked on that day. For any wrongdoings, ill feelings and misunderstandings..I DO APOLOGIZE.
Mixed Feeling
Being part of this NMG, i really learnt alot! i especially learnt that not everyone is the same. Some are easily pissed off and some are easily pleased. To cross path with lots of ppl, i really am feel lucky and grateful. I was so nervous the whole day, hoping and praying nothing would go wrong to the extend i missed my breakfast n lunch. I didnt even knw how the volunteers lunch that i ordered myself tasted like. Thanks to Kak Tim n Kak Fida 4 giving me Nasi Lemak, some choc cakes, goreng pisang n rojak buah. By the end of the day, i was so exhausted i cud barely think straight n keep my eyes open. But most importantly, i was very..very..very happy. That made me forget all the tiredness and hunger!But there's also a few things i regret, i didn't get to exclusively entertain my frens who came ovr frm Ireland, Iqa n Mizah..Sorry!And Nab n Farah frm Bristol, sorry weh laen kali dtg lg sure layanan first class!And other few frens oso..sorry!Then i also met my long lost classmate when we're in standard 6, Melissa for like 5 seconds..isk3..sob3..I said to her later, gimme a sec coz i had to run an errand. Then i just lost her!very sad...
There was twice during the day that i almost fainted hearing some news...1st: When i called Dessi Express asking 4 food 4 volunteers, the owner Ayoob said,"Was it today?I thought the Msian Game is tomorrow" With the nearly shouting voice, jaw dropped and wide-opened eyes i replied "No, it's today!8th of Nov?" After exchanging a few more lines, then he said,"Im joking, they're on their way..will be there in 5-10mins" WTH rite?Lawak yg sungguh tak kena pada masanya.
Then another one, Kevin the porter. I said, "Is everything alright, Kevin?"Then he said,"We need to shut everything down.Just no more, that's it for the day." Again, with the same tone and reaction as earlier i replied,"What?Why??"
"Haha, easy girl..jokin. Everything's alright really. It's good"
Gosh, terima kasihlah sbb kasi lawak selingan pada hari2 seperti ini yerr..!!
Evryone has their own "history" or "story" with Notts Game 08..it brings tears to sme ppl, it brings anger n hatred to some othr ppl, it also connects ppl together in every way. And for some reasons, NMG 08 is special to me..i hope it is to u too. Im proud to be part of it, an am honoured to to be working with great Nottinghamians in fruitfully realizing this event. What a great Msian community we are!
With that, let's re-organize our daily life..n STUDY!hehehe :)
We've started NMG preparation since May in Msia. That was when we struggled seeking 4 sponsorship, printing volunteers shirt, medal, banners etc. Frankly speaking, i didnt feel the heat of NMG just yet. It just felt like organizing another get together event.That's it. Then school started. We continued the preparation, even more vigorously nearer to the date. The nite b4, i slept at 3ish. Some slept at 4ish doing sepanduk etc! Then the D-day arrived, it was the show time! I didn't hear my alarm clock beeping, and woke up 550ish in the morning! hahaha..!Alhamdulillah it went well with no major complaint or unpleasant situation..wut's more, ppl are very satisfied with it and enjoyed the day!Alhamdulillah sangat2..Then it ended gloriously with the dinner with Deputy of High Commissioner, MSD officers, players, volunteers and the coms. Then i was like, "Is that it?Well, need to get my daily life in place back then"
For this year's NMG, the whole Portland Building was my 'baby'. Yes it was indeed. I was in charged for every single thing in Portland. If it's a mess then im all screwed up. if it's collapsed due to overcrowded then i'll be dead first. hahaha..There's quite a no. of probs in realizing the Msian Food Fest this year, but Alhamdulillah with the supportive coms and co-operative food stalls operators, we managed to overcome it all. For the helping hands from MSD, thanks so much!!And i'm also so thankful everything went smoothly the other day. A MILLION THANKS TO ALL VOLUNTEERS(without u guys, there's no way this event cud be a huge success)AND POSTGRADS!! Also Kevin the Porter, and Mark the Chef. They're very helpful n nice!!And the Runners, we've troubled u guys so much on that day..sori n thank you!!Not to forget, the crowd for making the event merrier!I was so surprised to see Msian queuing to buy Nasi Lemak, drinks frm NMS stall etc!!i really didn't expect this but hey look, we're goooood!! There surely be a few things i missed or overlooked on that day. For any wrongdoings, ill feelings and misunderstandings..I DO APOLOGIZE.
Mixed Feeling
Being part of this NMG, i really learnt alot! i especially learnt that not everyone is the same. Some are easily pissed off and some are easily pleased. To cross path with lots of ppl, i really am feel lucky and grateful. I was so nervous the whole day, hoping and praying nothing would go wrong to the extend i missed my breakfast n lunch. I didnt even knw how the volunteers lunch that i ordered myself tasted like. Thanks to Kak Tim n Kak Fida 4 giving me Nasi Lemak, some choc cakes, goreng pisang n rojak buah. By the end of the day, i was so exhausted i cud barely think straight n keep my eyes open. But most importantly, i was very..very..very happy. That made me forget all the tiredness and hunger!But there's also a few things i regret, i didn't get to exclusively entertain my frens who came ovr frm Ireland, Iqa n Mizah..Sorry!And Nab n Farah frm Bristol, sorry weh laen kali dtg lg sure layanan first class!And other few frens oso..sorry!Then i also met my long lost classmate when we're in standard 6, Melissa for like 5 seconds..isk3..sob3..I said to her later, gimme a sec coz i had to run an errand. Then i just lost her!very sad...
There was twice during the day that i almost fainted hearing some news...1st: When i called Dessi Express asking 4 food 4 volunteers, the owner Ayoob said,"Was it today?I thought the Msian Game is tomorrow" With the nearly shouting voice, jaw dropped and wide-opened eyes i replied "No, it's today!8th of Nov?" After exchanging a few more lines, then he said,"Im joking, they're on their way..will be there in 5-10mins" WTH rite?Lawak yg sungguh tak kena pada masanya.
Then another one, Kevin the porter. I said, "Is everything alright, Kevin?"Then he said,"We need to shut everything down.Just no more, that's it for the day." Again, with the same tone and reaction as earlier i replied,"What?Why??"
"Haha, easy girl..jokin. Everything's alright really. It's good"
Gosh, terima kasihlah sbb kasi lawak selingan pada hari2 seperti ini yerr..!!
Evryone has their own "history" or "story" with Notts Game 08..it brings tears to sme ppl, it brings anger n hatred to some othr ppl, it also connects ppl together in every way. And for some reasons, NMG 08 is special to me..i hope it is to u too. Im proud to be part of it, an am honoured to to be working with great Nottinghamians in fruitfully realizing this event. What a great Msian community we are!
With that, let's re-organize our daily life..n STUDY!hehehe :)

Left: NMS drink stall with the hardworking volunteers. Right: With my fellow frens in the com.
wah..besnye ade msia game kat sne..seronokla..kalo aku..mst nk men basket..tp da takel da skg..dah gmuk ma..fiq,ko kimsalam sket kat kwn ko yg duduk bju putih tuh...bkn ala2 omputih tu..belah kiri..mcm comey je..jgn marah..macam je..ehehhe
kalau ada sumur diladang
boleh saya menumpang mandi
berpenat dari pagi sampai ke petang
semoga usaha diberkati
yanti!!hahaha..mane de org pkai bju putih???k yg duduk 3 org je..bju kuning ke bju itam??hahaha..!!
ala...i tatau pun u tak makan aritu...kesian u!!!!.. but...it really was a success!!!thumbs up girl....
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