Well, maybe because of these...
1. Used to have a dream to become Msia's next top model or something but then not physically qualified...haha
2. Therapy, kot?
3. Make full use of those super hi-tech cams on the market.
4. Upholding Nokia tagline "Connecting People"..hehe coz im sure many will agree in saying taking pics strengthens the bond between u n ur frens/whoever ure taking pic with.
5. Memorabilia..
6. Gud way to laugh at ur self
7. Erm sometimes it's just a habit that can't be helped anymore..=D
Hope it make sense? (",)
Here are some of thousands cam-whoring photos i hav in store..hehe

1. kan ade pertandingan malaysian next top model tu..masuk la..I'M SURE U'LL BE THE MOST PEOPLE-CANNOT-FORGET-MODEL-OF-THE YEAR..ala...wiliam hung tu pun leh femes..kehkeh..LOL
2. certainly agree
3. hmm..i doubt that somehow..hehe
4/5. betul gak tuh
6. more of laughing at other ppl gak..ye dak?
7. haha..i know what u mean (thinking of the marylin monroe pose)kehkeh
yela..org2 cntik ske la nk amik gmba eh??hehe..fiq!da besar rupenye si tembam adik ko tuh eh??nakal tak dia?/dahla muke adik bradik sebijik sebulat!
weyh..lagi satu,aina kte u guys ade blog together..asal aku takle access??ko tak open to public eh??
mmg besa sgt dah datin oii!hahaha...xde la nakal cm dulu zmn mude2..hehehe a'ah aku buat x access to public dulu tu sbb maluu...hahaha nnti aku invite ko access ek
More dress added!! Grabbed it now.. Dont miss them ;) www.an-wardrobe.blogspot.com
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