But not anymore i think..it's a bit colder now..but the leaves keep falling and a lot more trees are now "naked". The weather gets more n more depressing each day towards the winter. God i dnt like winter. People wrapped in black n grey..From top to toes! Colourful n flowery outfit will just look weird and doesn't seem to blend into the whole picture. No ones on the field n even on the streets sometime. It gets dark frm 4. For Muslims, Zuhur prayer gets really short and no Isha'(or Was it Magrib?cudn't recall laa..) Extremities got numb like almost every time they're exposed. And the gloomy lil cloudy accompanied by mrs windy makes everybody moody. (it rhymes!)..n most importantly...we'll prone to snacking n hibernating with almost a 100% guarantee of weight gain!hahaha..
But...looking 4wd to the winter hols..Plan to go to Barcelona n Madrid..haven't booked the plane ticket though..but insyaAllah la..main attraction there is definitely la....Zara!haha..(wut,u think im gonna say real madrid n barcelona stadium???)if only beckham is still in real madrid..huhu
After that...gotta get my heads down fully geared for the exam! Terus seram sjuk pk psl exam..haha
K till then,wslm.
what is it like when fiqa gain weight..hmm interesting!
disaster namenya tu pi'e..hahaha!
woit..besnye kat sne..lagi bes musim2 cmtuh jln ngn lelaki idaman kan??hahah..ko pe cte wei??eleyh..A aku tuh..cikai je nk compare ngn A ko tuh...ko tuh hebat fiq!weyh..gudluck k!sme2 kite mncapai kejayaan k..
hahaha..lawak la ko dian,mane nk cekup tah laki idaman tu!hahaha!mane dah berabad dah aku x dpt A...yer marilah kte mancapai kejayaan!!
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