Last yr i was in Istanbul during boxing day so didn't get the chance to experience the havoc.
So last friday, i was in London with 11 othr frens..semua dgn semangat waja to feeeel wut it was like to shop in London on Boxing Day. Apalagi, our target was definitely Oxford Street. Some says some shops open as early as 5am!And that includes NEXT!!Some also says that the street got real crowded starting from early morning!With that in mind, we went off at 5am!!Adoiilaa..
When we reached Oxford Street..most of the shops were still close. And unfortunately, one of us got the wrong info, NEXT will open at 5am on the 27th..not 26th! Grrr...!Wutever it is, there's already quite a few ppl walking around..probably those were the 'naive' n silly strange ppl who were on the same boat as us. And surprisingly, there's already a long queue outside the Selfridges & Co.!Weird iznit? Owh those ppl really didn't hav anything better to do...(ckp kt diri sniri jugaklah tu..hehe) =) It was cold..n i ws sleepy n starving!Off we went to have breakfast at McD...then around half past 6, we went out again to see if the no. of ppl on the street hav increased. and yes it had!And guess wut, we cud see another looooooooong queue outside Debenhams store..!Apalagi, we joined the crowd-la! We were let in by the security guard exactly at 7.

I can somehow understand how ppl cn get so agitated about it..But when it gets too crowded i kind of became demotivated and lost the mood to shop. It jst feels so air, no space n no time to think! It is somewhat a good experience though..hehe Now i knw how to mentally n physically prepare myself for nxt year's boxing day.(^_^)
fell over after being pushed by the crowd?!!!.datz funny...LOL
i still remembered, when we were in Next store, London..2 years ago on boxing day..there was this one girl who fainted bcos the store was too packed..and the guard had to 'kipasing' her..haha..lawak2~~
a'ah kn, mase aritu pwn..van ambulance ade je kt tepi jln get ready in case ade org cedera..hehh serabut mnarik!haha
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