Being the only daughter in the family, i always get their full attention..huhu my dad hardly says 'no' to wutever i want..(even though sumtime it does took him forever to realise the thing i ask..n kdg2 when the thing is so impossible pwn ayh akn 'yes' kan juge..haha saba je lah..but i get the cue la whenever i ask for his permission n he's contemplating between yes n no, then better not do it la) the least he'll say is, "alaa nantila/sabarla sayang.." also,always a yes to wutever i say too as far as i remember la..he's always on my side,n me too..is always on his =) whenever that happens, my dad will go like "of coz im on her side, she's my daughter" (with the word daughter so pekat mcm slang indian)..n that really piss my youngest bro off soo much..n he'll go like "mulalah tu ayh tu akak balik je..semualah 'daughter' dia"...haha hav to admit it's fun to see him jeles like that..hehe that's y i always be the middle man between my parents n the othr 3 jejaka (my othr 3 adik-bradik)..coz as they put it, "ayah ape2 akak ckp je cair.." hahaha!! But Alhamdulillah the trust they hav in me, i knw the boundary. And the mom, i tink she loves my big bro more than all of us!hahaha..but she's the one who'll put aside our favourite fud/chickn parts whenever we weren't around 4 lunch or dinner..her cooking is still the best in the whole universe..i wonder betulke pepatah dimana tumpahnya kuah kalau bukan ke nasi?if so, then mayb my cooking will be kebaboom jugakla in a few yrs time ke?hehe..but wut if kuah tertumpah kat ats lantai?isyh! owh n more bout ibu, she'll listen to all the fuss i make about my daily life..n will get worried over almost everything?n she's the one jgk yg soo alert who'll notice any difference in me even the tiniest bit like the thickness n length of my hair or whther ive gained weight, or if ive sabun my ears..u knw things like tht..n she'll fall sick first b4 i do..mayb that's wut they call mom's instinct kot. But dulu2 (zmn mude2 la) i often got into argument with her jugak..n whenever i merajuk n locked my self in my room n nanges sorg2..ayah's the one who'll knock on my door n bring me back the quantum of solace :p..rase dah lame plak x merajuk..hahaha
im missing home..miss to be in one room with them all the whole family, sharing the same bed talking laughing n teasing..adehh~
ok2 b4 mood blaja ke laut dalam, i better get back to my anatomy..adios~
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