Before going off to spain, i went to Cork first. Stayed at Laburnum's House..ade nad,mihah,adilah,aliya n wani. The journey frm Dublin seriously took me forever!Mcm nk gi tumpat! Anyhow, xde la kampung sgt Cork tu..hehee The town was a lilttle bit smaller than Notts je.
Left: The very healthy vacation u knw...cycling gitu!
Right: i seriously didn't finish 'em all
Now a preview of my madrid-barcelona trip..hehe
The bad luck bit:
1. Nad lost her phone..
2. We missed our flight frm Madrid to Barcelona!!
3. We rent out a 5 seaters car for a road trip to Barc..(n there ws 6 of us!) coz the 6 seaters is manual, and also coz we're under 23 so the othr company cudn't rent us theirs.
4. Me n Nad got into the wrong train on our way back to the airport to get Nad's purse. So a 1/2 an hour journey now became 3 hrs or so..:(
5. We stayed at the 6th/7th floor hotel with no lifts, owned by a lonely super-psycho old man n in a dodgy Barcelona area.
6. Almost became the victim of pickpocket!!Hisyh berani makcik tu!!
7. Didn't get the chance to go shoppping at Madrid FO =(
The lucky bit:
1. I checked-in at EMA jst 30++ mins prior to my flight to Dublin..pheuwh!Thank God i wasn't denied to be on board..kalao x,mau nanges x berlagu..
2. Alhamdulillah we arrived safely at Barcelona..after a 600km/6 hours journey..and along the way..we cud enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of the othr side of Madrid!haha!
3. Found Nad's purse n phone!!
4. Very2 lucky tidak terkantoi menyeludup 2 org in that Barc hotel..
5. Were right on time to catch our bus to Girona Airport...
The most frequent phrase we use: "Quanto esto?", "Hola!", "Perdon"
The most frequent meal we had: McD McFish and Maggi! (no idea who win between the two..haha)
Actually there's a lot more..but will write more about this action-packed vacation in Spain later yea..Owh dah kene start pulon exam.......Adios!~
uwaa....berjln2 dier~
terlepas flite???
nway, gud luck for ur exam!!
amboi fique..bjalan2 ko ehZ??
besnyer..exam bile weh??
all the spanish phrases reminded me of our trip to madrid during the last winter hols..btw, asal sedeyh sgt korang ni?..tehehee...but travelling 600km in 6 hours wasnt that bad actually...hehe
to ann---> tlepas flite tu mantap ke ann???hahaha...tenkiu!!gud luck gak xm final yr!! yr tuuu..
to datin-->xm aku mid januaryy...doa2 la tuk aku ek..
to asma--> asma!!korg sume dah ade kt umh ke???best x frankfurt??? hehe..adventure sgt kan trip kitorg?haha
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