A weekend away from Notts, and away from the loads(as if i hav any!owh yes i do actually..haha) is indeed a bless!Thanks to anisasmairinamaryamsuraiya!This was only my 4th time in London. 1-when first arrived in UK back in 07. 2-A day transit b4 flying off back 2 msia. 3-Thorpe Park..reason being:busy+miskin i suppose..huhu. Here's how the weekend went..
Had class till 5 but TGIF kan!Hopped in the train at 845pm..tergoda dgn the "buffet guy" so we got some drinks n pastries to keep the bellies happy for a while. Reached St Pancreas station at 10something kot..then headed straight to asmamaryamirina's fren's place in Edgeware Rd. Then dozed off!
Had class till 5 but TGIF kan!Hopped in the train at 845pm..tergoda dgn the "buffet guy" so we got some drinks n pastries to keep the bellies happy for a while. Reached St Pancreas station at 10something kot..then headed straight to asmamaryamirina's fren's place in Edgeware Rd. Then dozed off!
It was cold outside, but no prob, we were all wrapped up n ready to set off! First, we went off to Portabello Market. Mostly selling antiques stuff, clothings, and handcraft. Frankly speaking, i don't think it was a bargain..well mayb it is to Londeners but surely not to "org semi-kampung", like us Nottinghamians..hehe So the only thing i bought was a pink jumper. After a long walk down the endless stalls, we then decided to move to our next destination which was MSD hall...for lunch!
Man i felt so "Msia"!God the food was amazing!The price was reasonably quite high..Again, considering it's London we're talking about here where striking price is like a trend...n the kekenyangan n kepuasan we felt, it was soo worth it!haha. one keria=50p..adoiilaa..NMG stall pn jual 3 kuih for a pound..haha maka it forced me to forget indulging my self with pulut bakar n that keria..isk3..sob3..nvm!
Then we went to Harrods. Since i need to save up for the upcoming winter hols, i didnt get anything except 4 the Krispy Kreme je yg mampu..lazat nyer,speechless. But then later, everybody got high frm hyperglycaemia. Then we dropped by at the Chinatown to kill time b4 the play.
Tup tup tup it's late already..so we rushed to hyde park where irina's mom stayed. It's a government apartment...I luved it!A typical British building on the outside at a high-end neighbourhood in d middle of the city with a simple but classy interior. Didn't feel like going back to my tiny lil room already after an overnyte there. Grrr! Well, wait for another 20yrs..n i'll be able 2 stay there at a price of only 20 quid pernyte!(insyaAllah...huhu berangannn!)hehe..
We catched the 1045am train..and that marked the ending of our short trip in London...sob3.. BUT, our precious weekend was yet to come to an end..we continued our cuti2 in Notts pula..haha actually jst had lunch in Wagamama..Longed for Japanese food for quite some time already..but no sushi in wagamama..:( I went home feeeling sooo exhausted n threw my self in bed reaaaaaal early n woke up fresh the next morning!
p.s; u lagi pantas rupenya asma!hahaha!
waaa..tak aci kau dah gi londong dulu darikung...waaa...
nnt aku nak gi makan kat msian hall jugak tauuuu
kelakarnye name kedai..wagamama..selfish..
kedai tuh jual ikan ke? hehehe
selfish as in jual ikan ke as in pentingkn diri?memane pwn buroknye makne die..bunyi je cm sedap..haha
omg fqah...3 words...i`m so jelous!!
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